WebsiteSaver™ Screenshots
Ready-Market's WebsiteSaver™'s SEF(search engine friendly) Checker assists increasing quality score by providing suggestions. It is a smart tool for SMEs to do internet marketing
WebsiteSaver™ provides visual navigation system for SMEs to solve their online marketing obstacles.
Start using WebsiteSaver™

WebsiteSaver™ Log In
Enter「?admin」after web address to sign in WebsiteSaver™
With WebsiteSaver™, you can manage your website including website promoting, website optimization, content management, inquiry form embedding, etc.
Each function is done within 2-3 steps.
Easy Navigation

Modification and visualization on the same web page
WebsiteSaver™ has no complicated navigation, you can correct any web pages wherever you are.
WYSWYG Webpage Editing
Freedom to correct, the safest back up system
WebsiteSaver™ back up system helps you to avoid any mistakes you make, WYSIWYG gives you freedom to edit freely.
SEF (Search Engine Friendly) Evaluation
Statistic Website Optimization
WebsiteSaver™ contains search engine friendly (SEF) checker to optimize your website.
Multiple Language Support
Multiple Language Support To Attract Buyers
WebsiteSaver™ solves your language barrier problem.
Simple set up to convert your website to various languages.
Inquiry Form Customization

Inquiry Form Customization
WebsiteSaver™ allows you to create suitable inquiry forms for buyers with hiring a designer.
Webpage Roll Back Support

Overwriting when doing web page editing
WebsiteSaver™ allows you to roll back to the previous pages and save errors while editing.
Online Marketing Tool and Online Tutorial

Online Marketing Tutorial
WebsiteSaver™ besides solving online marketing difficulties for SMEs, it also contains online tutorial that can assist you to accomplish internet marketing.
Visitor Tracking and Analyzing Set Up

Fast Website Traffic Analysis System Set Up
WebsiteSaver™ supports one-time set up for all the web pages to have Google Analysis.
Article Sections
- Start using WebsiteSaver™
- Easy Navigation
- WYSWYG Webpage Editing
- SEF(Search Engine Friendly) Evaluation
- Multiple Language Support
- Inquiry Form Customization
- Webpage Roll Back Support
- Online Marketing Tool and Online Tutorial
- Visitor Tracking and Analyzing Set Up
If you have any further questions about WebsiteSaver™, please click "Live Help Desk", we will be with you in a second.