Why WebsiteSaver™

Save your manpower for website maintenance. With WebsiteSaver™, it not only save your cost but also reach your marketing expectation.
Customer Experience Sharing

WebsiteSaver™ has benefited us with orders already, before that, our staff have spent over two years trying to develop the market abroad but didn't work.
WebsiteSaver™ FAQ

Want to Renew Web pages but No One Can Do It? Want to Have Web pages in French, German, Italian? Google Can't Find My Website?
What is WebsiteSaver™
Ready-Market provides an online marketing DIY tool that you can just use it with online guidance and subsequently improves the web page search engine friendliness.
WebsiteSaver™ is created combining the most updated tools and 12-year search engine optimization experience to satisfy website owners who wish to have great online marketing result without pain.
Using WebsiteSaver™ is as simple as editing documents with Microsoft Office and an office clerk is all you need for website maintenance. It is a DIY tool that assists you to modify your webpage based on search engine friendly rules.

Why You Need WebsiteSaver™
Ready-Market provides an online marketing DIY tool that you can just use it with online guidance and subsequently improves the web page search engine friendliness.

In the past, a company usually needs engineer, website designer, online marketing staff and even more manpower for website maintenance. Therefore, for SMEs, it can become costly and difficult to reach their marketing expectation. with WebsiteSaver™ you don't need to know HTML language because it's as simple as window office! More

Multi-language Support
Read-Market has developed an online language converter which can support you to convert webpage to 34 languages. Once the webpage is converted, you can use WYSWYG for correction and ultimately bring in more business opportunities. More
Press Room
Multiple Web 2.0 Template Choices - 5th / Noverber / 2009
For Ready-Market website template purchaser, a simulated WebsiteSaver™ will be provided for practice without worrying the damage on the webpages. Once the website is done, Ready-Market will process the transferring between sites.